Bonen Day 8/6/15

הכנס הבא יעסוק בעולם הנדסת מערכות ותוכנה. אנא מלאו השאלון הבא לקראתו


Conference Photos

System Integration -More than Assembling the Pieces – Prof. Jim Armstrong ,

Integration of systems with Forward View-Dr. Meir Tahan,

How to Implement Integration Between Processes? -Lessons Learned from Diabetes and Mental Health Care – Prof. Margalit Goldfracht, Prof. Eitan Naveh

Planning Integration & Testing in Complex Systems -Uzi Orion,

The Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Methodology for Managing & Engineering Integration & Interfaces – Prof. Tyson Browning

Conclusions: Dr. Avigdor Zonnenshain,